10. Daniel Faraday's Death - Season 5 - The Variable
Faraday is one of the most intriguing characters on LOST. From the second he arrived on the island he seemed to have a hidden goal, knew more than anyone about the island and was either a bad guy trying to gain trust or the one person who might be able to save everyone. In "The Variable", we realised just how important he was and also, in true LOST fashion, how tragic. If ever there was a greater example of LOST being a modern day mythology it is Daniel Faraday. Raised by his mother to pursue scientific pursuits only; forced down a path and into a life he didn't necessarily want Faraday believes he has found away to undo everything and disprove the theory that whatever happened, happened. Returning to the island in 1977, Faraday devises a plan to blow up a hydrogen bomb negating the energy which led to the Hatch, which in turn resulted in flight 815s crash. In the process he enters The Others camp in search of Richard only to be shot by his own mother, realising with his dying words that his own mother new his entire existence that his life would end at this point.Devastating.
9. The Four Toed Statue. - Season 2 - Live Together, Die Alone Part I
Season Two set up a number of mysteries which never really felt fully explained even in the final season, but none where quite as baffling or unexpected as The Four Toed Statue. To begin with we were like Sayid, unsure what to be most shocked by, that only the leg remained or that it only had four toes. Either way it hinted that the island was much older and more important than we ever thought it was. That it turned out the be the Statue of Tawaret, an ancient Egyptian God was mouthwatering. That we never found out who built it and why was infuriating.
8. Jacob in the Cabin - Season Three - The Man Behind The Curtain

7. Jack Saves Charlie's Life - Season One - All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
As Jack and Kate race through the jungle after Charlie and Claire they find Charlie strung up with some vines, seemingly dead. Jack proceeds to give him CPR but all seems lost as the minutes pass and he's still lifeless. The whole thing gets to much for Kate as Jack's driving desire to fix everyone and save Charlie seems to turn into a futile obession. Kate finally pulls Jack off, but unwilling to accept defeat and another death of one of the survivors Jack continues pounding his fist down on Charlie's chest. Kate can't look, as not even the driving heavy rain can hide her tears. Then it happens. Charlie coughs and splutters and comes back to life. The first time I watched this I punched the sky, and even now I'm still not sure if he will come round.
6. Sawyer's Jumps off the Helicopter - Season Four - There's No Place Like Home Part III
This was the great selfless act of the selfish man. All his life James "Sawyer" Ford has looked after number one and no one else. Always looking out for himself, often at the expense of other people, he is also not averse to conning people for sole purpose of getting a little bit of revenge. So when the survivors are finally escaping the island on the Freighters helicopter it becomes a massive act of self sacrifice that in order to ensure everyone makes it to freighter Sawyer jumps off. That he first asks Kate to find the mother of his child and deliver a message hints a greater depths of character than perhaps we were previously certain of. Sawyer has always been a good guy at heart, but this was the moment he became a true hero.
5. Charlie's Sacrifice - Season Three - Through The Looking Glass Part II
It had been foreshadowed for most of Season Three but when it finally came Charlie Pace's death was possibly the most emotional moment in the history of LOST. It helped raise the season finale to a level never equalled on the show, and also allowed one of the most beloved characters to go out in a heroic sacrificial way. That his last act is to warn Desmond that its "Not Penny's Boat" just cements his character. He may be troubled, weak, insecure but at his heart Charlie is a great guy who always just wanted to do what was best.
4. Meeting The Others - Season Three - A Tale of Two Cities
I remember discussing with a fellow fan that I thought Season Three would begin with another plane crash. Oh how right and wrong I was. An understated book club scene opens the third season before an alarm is raised and we realise this normal, domesticated people are actually the shows evil enemies. As Ben watches flgiht 815 break up and crash on the island he jumps straight into action sending Goodwin and Ethan off to check for survivors. Audacious, bold and utterly jaw dropping - Classic LOST.
3.Michael Confesses to Killing Ana Lucia - Season Two - Live Together, Die Alone Part I
Wow, this wasn't easy to watch. A Michael leads Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley across the island to rescue Walt, the truth finally comes out as Michael confesses he needs them to come with him to get Walt back, and that he is leading them into a trap. Slowly it dawns on everyone that he broke Henry Gale free, that it was he who shot and killed Ana Lucia and Libby. What makes this work is that there are three revelations in one scene. Firstly everyone blows up about Michael handing them over to the others, then the penny drops about Ana Lucia and finally, in the most heart breaking moment Hurley realises he must have killed Libby. It painful, tear jerking TV at its best, and the performances from the cast are note perfect.
2. Desmond Finally Speaks to Penny - Season Four - The Constant
It can't be easy being Desmond. Marooned on a strange desert island pushing a button to save the world and all you want to do is be reunited with your true love. So when it finally comes it is both poignant but also brilliantly concieved. On his way to the Freighter Desmond experiences Temporal Displacment - his consciousness switching between the present and the past. Told the only way he can survive is to find a constant Desmond chooses Penny and pleads with his heartbroken love to answer the phone on Christmas Eve in 2004. With Desmond close to death and the phone having rung for what seems like an age, Penny finally answers the phone in one of the most rousing, beautiful and reaffirming moments in the history of TV.
1. Sawyer tells Jack about his Dad - Season One - Exodus Part I
I know what you're thinking. Really, after six years of action packed, emotionally charged, mysteriously addictive TV this is the best scene in the shows history. Perhaps not, but what this scene personifies is the heart of LOST. For most of Season One Jack and Sawyer butted heads, argued and threatened to beat each other up (we had to wait five seasons for that). But in one moment, one small scene as Sawyer cuts bamboo trees to ensure his place on the raft and Jack prepares to depart for the Black Rock, Sawyer gives Jack the resolution to his arc for the season in a deeply moving, beautifully acted and wonderfully ingenious decision. We already new, thanks to a flashback that Sawyer met Christian on his last night alive. But when Sawyer tells Jack what Christian never could you feel the emotional catharsis this represents for Jack, and to hear it from Sawyer of all people makes it even more difficult to take. Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway are also wonderful in the scene.
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