Herzog is known for his challenging films and Heart of Glass is up there with the weirdest them. The most fascinating and strangely terrifying thing about the film are the performances; the actors performing their roles hypnotised. This adds to the eerie atmosphere created by Herzog as each character reacts in unnatrual ways to the events going around them, and everyone appears under a spell.
Although Heart of Glass is an absorbing, unique and beautifully made film, I found it a tad hollow as it failed to connect with me in a deep, emotional way. Although Herzog exploits to the best of his ability the sense of loss and fear the village feels at the death of the glass blower, it never quite manages to reach the heights of Nosferatu or Aguirre which both have similar aura's about them.
Another bizarre yet brilliant film from Herzog which may be difficult to enjoy or engage with but is no less fascinating for it.

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