The story however is something else. Taken lightly from the ancient myth of Perseus, demi-god son of Zeus, who must save Argos from the wrath of Zeus and Hades. The film seems to take liberally from other myths, and does little to stick to the original story, but then would you really expect it.
Similarly, anyone expecting stellar acting from a strong cast will equally be disappointed as Ralph Fiennes reminds you Voldermort with his whispering tones as Hades, Liam Neeson does everything he can to maintain dignity as a giant glowing Zeus in his silver body armour. Sam Worthington places the reluctant hero Perseus, and once again failed to convince me that he is the next big thing. That's three films Worthington has starred in (Terminator Salvation, Avatar and Clash of the Titans) where he essentially plays the same character with a similar arc, but here is poor performance is more to do with a limited script and poor directing.
The only reason to see Clash of the Titans is the action. Fights with giant scorpions (quite good), Medusa (a little dissapointing and not nearly scary enough) and finally the Kraken (again a bit of a disappointment). But despite this, the film flows along nicely, conjures up memories of the early Mummy films, Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings without ever really scaling the heights those films conjured (although it does occasionally surpass some of their low points).
In the end then Clash of the Titans is really only a disappointment if you foolishly expected it to be any good. It's not a terrible film, but won't live on as either a classic summer blockbuster or even a cult movie. Instead it will be very quickly forgotten as it offers nothing new or original to the fantasy genre, nor computer generated effects and will do nothing for the careers of anyone involved.
What it is, if you're willing to leave you brain at the door is good fun with some fun action scenes and some excellent myths.
Overall then Clash of the Titans won't rock any boats or even turn you to stone with boredom, but was in my opinion a good, fun film to watch about men in short skirts fighting giant monsters, which can only ever really hope to be good fun.

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